


Why You Should Start A Blog

      If You wanna do something new and creative in life so Blogging is the Best Option for You. Blogging is not as easy as seen but it is not that much difficult. Only those people can do blogging who have a craving to do something big and more creative. The opportunities have come always in life and already got some opportunity but If you have an interest in blogging, Then You should try atleast once in life.

1.     What is Blogging?


Blogging helps business owners to engage with customers. Blogging connects similar thinkers and communities of people worldwide. Blogging helps to get more website traffic from search engines.

Types of Blogging

        There are two types of BLOGS. First is Paid Blogging: In this, we have to buy a Domain Name and A Web Hosting and Then We can start a blog professionally. And the Second is Free Blogging: In this, there is providing the online free of cost blogging option with Domain and Hosting with pre-built everything. This Option  is also good for Beginners but only for learning perspective. There Free Blog making websites from which Beginners can also earn from the blog while learning.   is a free blog making site. I will suggest going for the free blogging option first only for learning purposes and then start paid blogging with good form to earn such a good revenue from Blog. Click on  OPEN to see more details.

1.       Why Blog Writing is Important?

Blog writing is art Because You have to use those words which relates or connect the people. See Everyone can write their blog but You have to make it professionally that’s why it is challenging. A well-written Blog help to grow the Blog. And also help to Monetize it.

Will Blog Earn Money?
        Yes, Offcourse Blog helps to earn money. If You have made or write a Good Blog and the Public appreciate it more or You got descent Traffic on your blog so you can earn well from the Blog. 
There are so many ways to earn money from a BLOG But I will discuss only a common and effective way which is GOOGLE ADSENSE. This is a Free and Effective way to earn money from your Blog. Interested people can follow this link Adsenselink to register your blog on Adsense.

1.       When Blog Qualifies for Adsense?

Google Adsense account is absolutely free for everyone and it needs only neat and clean content with some traffic to give approval to Monetize your blog.


1. Blogger

2. Wordpress

3. Wix

4. Penzu

5. Weebly

Click this Download link below to get a Free E-Book of 51NICHE(Topic) for Blogging                                                                                      ðŸ‘‡

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