


What is Life?

The struggle is the second name of life. Today, we have some desires and if it not complete, so heart starts to make plans for the future, We start to imagine that the desires will complete in the future but Life is neither in the future and nor in past, life is in present, means the experience and feeling of this moment is the experience of life but we don't understand such a truth despite also knowing, either we remind the past memory or else we plan to make a better future and the life passes away in front of your eyes. There is a truth if we set in our hearts that neither we can't see the future nor we can built the future. We just can hug and welcome of the future with patience and courage.
 All the above things which I said are literally, Life is all about this moment, what we are doing to make our present better? I think we are nothing to do something good to make our present happy in fact we are not getting happy with our present time whatever we have infact we should enjoy it whether it's sad or happy. Everybody has their own way to enjoy and figure out every moment but it depends upon you, who will you choose for your better.
In the end, I would say life will be hectic, happy, and sorrow but if we would carry positivity, patience, and courage in our life, every kind of situation we could handle,
 whether even it's not a corona pandemic.

Every decision-taking in the present time decides our future. 
Just do your work with your positive intention and not look on to get some result because we are just a medium to do such thing in our life whereas God will give us the result in any way. These works are denoted as "Karma".

I am explaining "Karma" because as I wrote above that 'the present is life neither in past or nor in future', But it doesn't mean to do hard work to get something in life. Yes, present is life but the actions and decisions whatever we will take in the present time, will be our Karma and it will be negative or positive. Hard work will help you to achieve your goal in life.

Now, I just hope that everybody will understand why i explained Karma because I think I am here to provide you with information instead to confuse you.

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