




When somebody experiences injustice, in any event, that incident shakes the internal of that man. The whole world seems like his enemy, The greater the incident of injustice, the bigger the against in heart of a human being opposes and he wants to get the justice in the answer and Any kind of injustice in society destroys the trust and faith of a man but what is the justice? What do you mean by justice? The regret should be in the heart of injustice performer and the belief again build in his mind whoever is suffering injustice to understand the society.


  • What are the people adopt?

Vengeance, revenge these are the things which are adopting by the new modern era people. People are keep doing violence to calm violence. People are adopting the feeling of revenge and he carries it with whole life. He tries to give the worst experience to them who did wrong with him. And he keeps going for this illegal and unprotective way to suffer injustice. While walking on this path, the person suffering injustice starts doing injustice And become the criminal, it means, there is a little difference between injustice and vengeance. But most of the person chose the criminality and try to carry their life in this.

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