


TRUTH- What is Truth?


When someone speaks fact despite fear, it is called truth. I think the truth is relatable to fearless and there no time to be fearless because fearlessness is the nature of our soul and mind. It is very general to say just the words as someone heard but whenever there is a fear to say something, But whenever there is fear even when speaking that talk or fact, maybe it does not hurt anyone's emotion, this thought comes in mind but the truth is not the thing which should say with fear, but fearlessly keeping the talk is called the truth.

  People always be confused to say truth and facts. Most people, despite being true, resort to lies due to fear. Fear makes a place in a man's brain, that is, if there is no fear in the human mind, then a person will consider every moment to be a moment of truth. But this does not happen. There is always a strange fear present in a man’s mind. Isn't it a reality?
 Answer me in the comment.

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