


The Limit

     When two people get close in relationship, they try to fix some limitation in their relationship. If we consider all the relationships, then we will see that the basis of all these relationships are the limits that we create for others and somehow anybody breaks the limitation, we get angry. Now a question will be raised in your mind, what is the real form of these limitations? By these limitations, we don’t allow another to decide. We just put the decisions forcefully to others, it means we don’t accept the freedom, and whenever it happens so that humans get hurt and when he breaks the limitations, we get full from anger. Is it not? If you are facing this kind of thing so you need to think about yourself, you have to be like a normal guy from abnormal. Yes, if it's happening with you it means it is not a normal thing and it gives an unintentional pain to you. There is no need for any limitations in relationships if we respect and support the freedom of each other.

  • Is there any limitation required for humans or not?

Actually, the person should not create any limit in any relation. But a limit should be created in his work so that the person can complete that work at the scheduled time. Will any work be done on time if there is no limit at work? I am leaving it with this question and you should try to find a better answer on your own. Good luck.

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